2019官田村教育促進會獎教獎學頒獎典禮于8月18日上午在官田祖祠隆重舉行,共有145位來自官田村的優(yōu)秀的師生獲獎。官田村教育促進會會長,汕頭市中冠機械有限公司總經(jīng)理錢澤坤出席頒獎典禮,并且在會上發(fā)表講話。 2019 Educating and Learning Award ceremony of GuanTian town education association was held in the Guantian town on 18th, August. Total 145 persons who are teachers and students from Guantian Town got rewards. The president of Guantian Town Education association,the general manager of Shantou zhongguan machinery co., Ltd Mr Zekun Qian was present and addressed in the ceremony.
Wish Guantian town Education is better and better in the future. And students fullfill their own achievement in prosperous way. Make own families proud of theirselves